Avoid These 3 Common Mistakes When Buying a Company Car Purchasing a company car allows you to claim a variety of tax benefits, such as deductions for gas mileage and insurance, but before you commit yourself to such a major investment,

When Are Capital Gains Taxed as Income? This probably won’t come as a surprise, but just like the government wants a portion of your income, they also want a cut whenever you profit from an investment. Once you sell any capital asset

How Do You Complete a PPP Loan Necessity Questionnaire? Months after the PPP rolled out, the SBA published Form 3509, the PPP loan necessity questionnaire that applies to for-profit businesses, along with its non-profit counterpart. The SBA plans to use these questionnaires

Could You Owe Taxes Even Though You Took a Loss in 2020? Some shops took losses this year, even after accepting PPP grants, and looking at our clients’ situations, we’re seeing that they may still owe taxes for 2020. How does that

If you have any questions or think you may be eligible, click here to schedule your assessment.